Sunday, September 28, 2008


This article addresses the continuing need in Haiti.

The Samaritan's Purse gentleman, David from New Mexico, was in the town mentioned in this article last week and his stories included working with people to haul mud out from their house, working to distribute water for tired and frustrated Haitians, sleeping in rough conditions with mosquitoes all over, and various other issues (including his laptop dying so he couldn't communicate back home or save photos of the food and supply distribution).

Matthew, who is also working with Samaritan's Purse, met with UN folks and secured a number of items for distribution through the Baptist Haiti Mission.

Boring car stuff...

My two mail goals for next week are to help finish up the rack for the new truck so it can be more useful in making deliveries and to get the Canter ready for going out far distances. The transfer case/transmission has leaking seals both front and back, the rear differential is leaking, and it need three new tires (all three are worn to the cords and leaking air - it came back from a short trip Friday with flat front tire). Please pray for me as I work to get all the vehicles ready and dependable for the distribution of food for people in need. The current plan is to go to the hard to reach areas, beyond where the roads have been repaired.

Today...a day of rest.

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