Friday, August 1, 2008

Shipping Information! And Today's Work

We have the address information for shipping things to us. Please send us an email if you want to know what it is. I don’t want to post it on the blog only to have naughty people send me hunks of lead. If you ship us a letter or box of things, we will be required to pay the shipping from Florida to Haiti. Because people have asked: If you want to help with the shipping costs, feel free to include US Dollars in the package to the tune of $1.50 per pound.

Tina is having a much better day so far! Lou has only thrown up once and her spirits are up. Thank you for your prayers!

Boring car stuff…

Today Carter came with me to work on the Canter (I should have gotten a picture of him in the big truck). He was the brake pumper while I bled the whole brake system again. It didn’t help the situation. One Haitian guy thinks that the passenger side rear brake cylinders need to be replaced to fix the problem – I don’t think so. That side wasn’t leaking. The cost for doing one side is $250 US dollars, so my mentality says that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. I am excited to see what happens tomorrow when I replace them and see who was right.

Carter also helped me to change the BLACK oil in the tan Pathfinder. I went to check the air filter and found that it didn’t have one. That may not be too big a deal in the US, but here there is dust everywhere. The filters that I have looked at are caked with dust and dirt. I don’t think that the Pathfinder has been running long without it, so that’s good news.

I think Carter wanted to help me out because he knows that at some point today I would work on the four-wheeler again. We ended up working on it all afternoon. There are some electrical problems because some are chewed up (rats), others are missing and still other connectors are broken. Christopher, one of the older missionary kids, wants to work on it too and he comes back from camp tomorrow. I am trying to save it for him too.

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