Monday, August 25, 2008

Tropical Storm Gustav

It was nice and sunny around 3 PM today and I was soldering a teapot for one of the Haitian workers. All of a sudden it started to pour rain while it was sunny. Then the sun disappeared. I checked my news sources and found this heading our way:

Where we are, we are pretty safe. We're at the top of a hill on the mountain...well, the entrance of the Mission is at least. We're down the hill a little way, but are fairly well protected from rain and water runoff. When the rain hits, the water pours down the streets. There are very few (VERY FEW) storm drains or drains of any kind. In the few places that there are gutters, the rain is well controlled, but it has to go somewhere and that somewhere is where ever the gutter ends. The roads are not sloped in one particular direction or another, so the rain water collects and more gets added to it as goes down the road. This large amount of fast moving water washes very large rocks onto the roads, some are bowling ball sized or larger. These rocks then either block the way or the big trucks and cars smash them which breaks up the pavement under them. Some areas are much worse than others, but you can just see very easily how landslides start and homes get washed away.

I have internet access and I didn't know about it until the day before it is supposed to hit (tomorrow). How are Haitians supposed to hear about it and know it's coming. And even if they knew about it, what are they to do about it? Most in the flood prone areas don't have vehicles to get away quickly. They would have to find friends or family in a safer area and probably take a tap-tap (taxi-like service). Please pray for the people of Haiti as this tropical storm comes - and hopefully it stays a tropical storm and doesn't become a hurricane.

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