Monday, March 30, 2009

Our House, Birds

Today the focus of the work done by the team at the mission was the building in which we live (the first floor mainly). Mostly painting was done, but gardening and guttering was done as well. We fixed a gutter piece that fell during a hurricane last year as well as cleaned and realigned other parts.

The gardening that was done was to remove and move some flowers and plant corn, peas, zucchini, and bush beans. I have to build a fence to keep people from stepping on it, but I am looking so forward to eating the goodies that come out of it!

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of anyone working (too busy helping), but I did just take these pictures:

They painted the metal bars over the windows, the concrete above and below the windows as well as the white on both sides of the house and right outside the front door. It looks much cleaner and better now. Carter also painted the railing-type bar on the front porch.


I attempted to get Lee from Answered Prayers a Digicel T-Shirt as a surprise because on Saturday he mentioned that he wanted it one, but I was told that they don't sell them - you got to buy something first (this is crazy because Digicel marketing items are ALL OVER the place in Haiti). Oh well, I tried.


This morning while looking at things and figuring things out, I saw this bird sitting in the tree and got a couple shots of him:

In the middle of working, the kids said they found a hawk in the nets by our house. Here is a shot of him. He got himself out the same way he got in - through the net itself.

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