Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the Shop?, Name That Dude!

Is there a doctor in the shop? It seems that Carter may be on his way to becoming a doctor. He and I made a spear so that he could nab lizards. He has caught a few and continues to take them apart with his knives and science tools. The latest lizard's heart was still beating a few minutes after cutting his head off and cutting his stomach open. Carter is doing a great job at carefully cutting them open without ruining the innards. Tina got a diagram of their innards and now he tries to find all the pieces. He has even been applying various amounts of voltage to their different body parts to see them move when the voltage is applied. He has had great success with this and learning tons. This is some of the good stuff about being here - there are lots of good things!

Name That Dude!

Dr. Watson, who is teaching a class for our Masters of Christian Education program, brought in some clothes for Mr. Kyrk and me. THANK YOU Dr. Watson! He knows someone who used to work at Cintas (the uniform company) and he managed to get his hands on some clothes for us. (please ignore the fact that I am not fully awake in the second picture, it was early - are my pants always that crooked?)

If you can think of some good names for us to slap on our shirts, please let me know soon. If you think of something like Dumb and Dumber - I get to be Dumber.

They fit well and I am no longer in need of pants for working - I have LOTS now. I give God the praise for this turn. I started with only three pair of pants and now have more than 10 (way more than I need for the moment, but I will need them in the near future I am sure - I have eaten through one pair thanks to battery acid).

Oh, by the way, did you notice the green paint in the picture? We started to paint this place a little bit and didn't get to finishing it yet. We started a few weeks ago and hope to finish it up soon. We don't think that the color is good enough for all of the walls so we're working on another color for the other walls. This is a low priority for us.

Boring Car Stuff...

I got the plates welded to the Canter. Roger is one of our welders and he did a great job welding the plate in place (correcting my work - I need to either practice or give it up). We are going to paint the back end of the frame, get new bushings for the leaf spring ends, and then put it all back together. I am anticipating some issues (not unresolvable) when it comes to U-bolting the dump bed on because the width of the frame where we welded the plate on is wider. We'll see what happens.

Last but not least, we're heading for a weekend staff meeting to where it will be warmer and there is a pool. We'll be playing some and having a meeting. Please pray that we can make good progress during our meeting - we have important things to discuss. I'll take tons of pictures and be back Monday/Tuesday blogging. Bye!

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