Saturday, March 7, 2009

Obligated, Injury, Aspirator, Electricity

I feel obligated, because I mentioned Tina's birthday, to mention that it is my birthday today. Part of God's amazing plan for our lives was that we be in the nursery together as babies. Since we were born in the same hospital and only two days apart, we were together at birth and didn't meet up again until we were 14. We have no pictures to prove it, but Tina's mom remembers a large baby (me - at 10lbs 5.5oz). Here are some of my best shots:

The best cat in the world playing with a blue highlighter:

Then sleeping/older:

Dog #1, Yellow Lab / Terrier mix

Dog #3, Great Dane

Acting like a mechanic before I became a real-pretend one in Haiti:

This shot was on Caddie Day where I used to work. I caddied for one of my two best bosses I ever had wearing this outfit:


This happens every day I am sure. Someone with a massive infection comes into our hospital. This day, I happen to be at the hospital to capture this painful picture:


The reason I was at the hospital was because there was a broken piece of equipment that they wanted repaired (Blogger rotated my image on me).

If you know your medical devices (which I did/do not), this is an aspirator for sucking up blood and liquids when doing surgeries (the SmileTrian folks who left yesterday mentioned that it did not work). I found the reason this aspirator didn't work. Someone got it working by bypassing the shutoff float when the container gets full of blood and fluids. What does that mean? That means that the aspirator sucks up blood and guts into the machine and after a few times, that stuff dries up and renders the device useless. As I worked on the machine with the dried blood and guts, I prayed a number of times that I would not get sick or infected with anything. I had to take just about everything apart and clean it up. I did have rubber gloves, but after a little while they seemed pointless because I was touching all my tools with my rubber-gloved-hands. I don't know how long bad things can live being dried up on tools - I hope not long.

After I got the machine fixed, I brought it back to the hospital and guess what...they had another one that needed fixing. That one is in my shop and the problem this time seems to be with the motor. Although it didn't have the float either to stop it from sucking up fluids, it seemed cleaner but there was still dried blood in the tubing. I am not excited to work on it, but I cannot rebuild the electric motor because I don't have the parts or equipment (nor the skills). It seems that a bearing is shot because it looks out of alignment.


Mr. Kyrk and I worked on fixing the electricity to one of our buildings. It appears that there is a break in the line at the pole because we weren't getting power to the meter for that building. We ran new line and hooked everything up except to this pole at the top - that will happen this morning before we turn the generator on.


T and T Livesay said...

Happy Bithday Ken and Tina!!!!! You guys are cute together ... how cool that it started so long ago.

dorrfamily said...

Happy Birthday to both of you. We hope that you enjoy your days. Sending you all the best and our love.
Kelly, Shannon, Ashley and Abbey.

Lorrie Beauchamp Berg said...

Ok .here is a way to get your tools free of germs ,, I am a Operating room nurse and have worked in Haiti on mission trips many times and had to sterilized instruments this way way the autoclaves are broke soo it should work with your tools too ,, cook them,, yes in the oven at 300 degrees for 30 minutes, have a small pan of water in the oven with them to create a steam,,,it should kill everything,,,

Ken Schlorf said...

Thanks for the tips, Lorrie! That makes me think that bad things can still live on my tools... :-( Some of the tools that I used are plastic or rubber coated which might melt - unlike medical tools. I am wondering if I should throw them away (thoughts?). My garbage can (and whole garage) should now be labeled as BIOHAZARD.

It's amazing the things that are so different in a third world country. The level of safety that there is in the US is incredible! So incredible that it seems to put the reliance of our safety on ourselves and not on God because we think that we have everything under control. I still need to do whatever I can to keep my stuff safe and clean. God will take care of the rest.