Thursday, March 5, 2009

Loudini, Visitor, Neal, Database


Loudini didn't pull any tricks from up his sleeve last night. We'll be continuing to watch him.


The visitor that I thought was coming yesterday isn't coming until today. I'll try to get pictures if possible.


Here is Neal out standing in his field (or is it "outstanding in his field"?) - the rabies hasn't affect him yet from the monkey bite (I hope you don't have rabies, Neal):


We finished off emptying the diesel tank yesterday. We had about an hour's worth of pumping to do and that emptied most of the tank. Just a 5-gallon bucket or two to finish it off. We had crammed a tree branch into the whole and the Lord blessed us - when we removed the tree branch, the remaining threads from the broken valve came right out with it. God is good!


I started working on a new Access database for the Mission. Its a database for requisitions for parts and materials (mostly construction). It'll make life here for a few people a lot easier and more automated. As always, it seems that Access databases are a constant work in progress. I pray that it accomplishes its goal by beneficial.

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