I have to get used to this 6 day work week (of about 9 hours per day except for Saturday) - I thought that I'd try to take this afternoon off but that didn't happen. There is no shortage of work here. Even some work that has been recently done has to be redone because it was done with short-term thinking: just get it working is the mentality sometimes. That's OK if you are stuck on the road, but it is not OK for daily driving. There are throttle linkages that look like they're about to get stuck, brake lines that look like they are about worn through, shocks and bushings that are nearly inoperable, u-joints that wobble, oil that looks as if it were only added to instead of changed, etc... I am slowly getting used to working around here in terms of where parts are and where tools are that I didn't bring or didn't have. I am also learning some good Creole because the drivers have to explain to me what is wrong and what is right. An additional thing that I am learning is that I am the big, big boss around here - which I am not used to. I don't want to be the big, big boss, but that's the way things are working out. I hope to train a Haitian to be the big, big boss so I am not doing it.
Last night we ate as a group and as we were finishing up, the mountain on the other side of the valley disappeared behind clouds and then the clouds came to us. It was pretty cool looking - being in a cloud. We then went to the director's house to try our hand at pinochle. It'll take a few more Fridays for us to figure that game out.
Also last night I got a little sick, but it wasn't too bad. I expected it sooner and didn't think that I would be the first. I have been spending quite a bit of time in the hospital trying to fix that phone line. Len and I got locked in the operating room (that's what happens when padlocks are used on most of the doors from the outside (can't unlock them from the inside). I think that my sickness was more food related, but again it's barely worth mentioning as it wasn't too bad.
Tomorrow is Sunday!! No work (or I will attempt not to work)!!
This dog lives near the workshop. I am no vet, but I think there may be one or two things wrong with this dog...
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