Monday, October 12, 2009


He does not have TB!!!

We got there at about 6:30. By about 7:30 we got a little scare - they couldn't find the xray. By about 9:30 they had found it and had it in our hands. We are thankful to the Lord for getting us through this part! Thank you all for your prayers of strength and for getting through this TB testing.

We are very happy! We will definitely feel like it is finished after we get this last step started: the visa.

We stopped by the US Embassy to set up an appointment (because you cannot call or email to get an appointment) and they were not open. :-( So we'll head down there again in the morning and try to set up an appointment. Tina thinks we should hang out and wait for them to do the appointment that day, but I don't think that is realistic. It would be nice, but not realistic.

Again, thank you all for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness! Fingers crossed for no more hurdles!


Shea said...

Praise the lord he is neagtive!!!

Debbie Woodward said...

So glad to hear that he is NEGATIVE! If Tina wants to spend the day waiting, maybe you and the kids could run some errands! I can see how she would just want to get this done ---- SOOOO CLOSE!

dorrfamily said...

That is terrific news. We are super happy for all of you.

NDMom said...

Praise God! What wonderful news! You don't know us, but we live in your neighboring state of ND and have just adopted Bella from Ukraine. Been following your journey closely and praying for you. We attend Trinity E Free here in Minot and use the Desiring God resources in our SS classes.

God is good! All the Time...Love, The Burckhards

Ken Schlorf said...

This is great news! We are so thankful that the test showed he is negative (for more reasons than just getting the adoption finished). Thank you all for your prayers!

God is Good ALL THE TIME! Thanks for commenting and following along, NDMom! I will be checking out your site to learn of your process. We are glad that you have adopted Bella! Go Reece's Rainbow!!! (We can't believe how fast your adoption process went for Bella - 2 months?!?!?)

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!! thank you Lord!!!!!!!

Mary said...

YEA! One step closer.