Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dr. Visit - Port-au-Prince

We picked up the paperwork yesterday and in normal "nothing is normal" fashion, the orphanage director's place didn't have electricity and their generator was broke. We waited a little while for the mechanic to fix it because we needed more copies of some paperwork for what we need to do yet in the process, but it didn't get fixed - no copies could be made. We ended up going with one of her workers to go make copies at a store in Petionville (closer to where we live). All of the necessary paperwork (including originals) are now in our hands.

We are going to be leaving here in a half hour to go to the doctor for Lou to have a physical. This is necessary to obtain the visa.

After the doctor visit, we are going to the US Embassy to get our visa appointment which we hope will happen on Thursday since they only make appointments for visas on Mon, Tues, and Thurs.

We'll keep you updated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!
