Sunday, August 2, 2009

Time to Think

I have time to think. Things are pretty quiet (I do have music playing in my ears, though).

I have an incredible wife! It's almost as if she wants me to leave on Friday, though I know that she doesn't. She is very supportive of the decisions that I make. I include her in all of my thoughts and planning, so she plays a role. She leaves the decision making up to me and supports the direction that I take. She encourages and is steadfast specifically in her daily duties!

Without a doubt (none whatsoever), this is the most difficult thing that we have ever done. Having Lou is, and will be until his death or ours, a challenge no matter where we live (US or Haiti). Not knowing what is coming next in the adoption would be frustrating to anyone (if not EVERYone). Doing it on the mission field after selling 90+% of your things and leaving your friends (specially small group friends) and family simply heaps more onto the pile of difficulties. We are nearing the end of our adoption process, but we don't know when it's coming. Daily life here is not a walk in the park (are there parks here?). Tina pulls it all off with renewed strength every morning in spite of going months without leaving the compound. She is great!

My wife and I are not "special" as it relates to being able to handle these challenges - everyone has the one necessary resource to do what we are doing. We serve a big God and it is He who is carrying us through - in His strength not ours.

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