Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kenscoff Market - TapTap

In my last post, I mentioned TapTaps (which act like the local taxi-like, public transportation). Tina and I went with Mr. Neal (who has been here for a few months as our horticulturist and who is with us for another week and a half) who has been up the mountain before to the Kenscoff market via TapTap. I waited until minutes before the trip to the Kenscoff market to inform Tina that we were going to be taking one of the TapTaps that go up.

She was surprised, but had no reservations of going. After finding one and paying 5 gourdes per person one way, we made it to our destination and bought beans, cauliflower, and carrots. We probably bought too many beans, but Tina blanched them and froze a number of them when we got home. It was a great experience and I think that we'll probably end up doing it again sometime. I wish that the opportunity presented itself to take pictures, but it was crowded on the TapTap and the market was crowded as well.

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