Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tina's Dad's Dad

Early yesterday morning we found out that Tina's grandpa on her Dad's side died around 6 AM. He had been in failing health for some time and was on oxygen after years of smoking had ruined his lungs.

Effort was made to show him who Christ is and what He did (and does) for us, but it appears that he never accepted Him as his savior. The reality of someone I knew meeting his Maker was seriously heavy on my mind yesterday. Someday, I'll be there, too. What will I say? Will I be able to speak? It's a blunt reality that I don't think about every day. Too often I think I feel that there is always tomorrow, but that's an assumption and only if the Lord wills. Each day needs to be lived for Him - seeking Him for what He would have me do, how He would have me act, what He would have me say. Is there anything else more serious or more important?

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