Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rice, BCS - Canter

One more load of rice came in yesterday. Only this time I wasn't in the truck the whole time. I helped to stack it all up in one of our depots.

Boring Car Stuff...

The Canter came back yesterday with a new windshield. I thought it was all finished until Annes pointed out that the radiator was leaking. It appears to have gotten broken when the truck broke in half. It was broken in a spot that I wouldn't have seen without either running it for a while or taking it apart. So, I took it out and after it gets fixed, it's just a license-sticker-on-the-windshield away from being roadworthy. And with that big load of food that just came in the last two days, it's in perfect timing that it is ready.

Oh...and by the way - My Mom had to remind me that Tina and I have been married for 13 years not 12. Thank you Mom!!!

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