Monday, June 9, 2008


We have had a number of people interested in the dog, but when comes down to it nobody has taken her. We haven't run out of options yet, so we'll keep trying... I just put her on Craigslist this morning: (this link will die after 45 days)

I have to start trying to sell the truck. It should be pretty easy to sell a tanker truck that costs $168 to fill up the 42 gallon tank, but hey, you get more than 600 miles on one tank - that's 5 fill-ups per oil change. And you have to swipe your Visa card four times to get the tank full, which is very fun! All for about $4500 obo (which is less than Blue Book). It has less than 100k miles, albeit not much less (99,400 to be exact). This is on Criagslist here today.

The roof was still leaking as of yesterday. Big frown. About 3 tubes of silicone and I still haven't sealed the right spot. I will run home today to see if it leaked with the overnight rain. If it didn't work, it's time to call a professional (or start ripping apart siding, shingles, and flashing). This leak could be in a much worse spot - I feel blessed that it isn't on an inside location doing damage. I am very glad that it is where it is.

Paying Signing Bonus Back
I knew this was coming, but I was hoping that it wouldn't. I signed a contract when I got hired in October '07 whereby I agreed to pay back a signing bonus if I left within one year. The letter came in the mail today. They want their money. I wonder if they come knocking on my door in Haiti... Just kidding. I signed the contract - I'll pay it back.

I ask for your prayers in these matters. Not necessarily that these items would sell fast or for an awesome price (which would be great), but rather that in our trust of God for the whole process of moving to Haiti, He would be made much of. I truly want everything that I do to point to the fact that it is God in whom I trust - not craigslist, not bank statements, not convenience. He is my treasure and I would love to show/tell how wonderful life is when God is your hope. This is what life is all about.

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