Friday, June 27, 2008

Time is flying

Staying true to one of my purposes of maintaining this blog, I will write about a process of missionary work that we have just completed:

Time is just flying by this last week. The last two days we have been working on sending our first letter out to friends and family. It was a process that has been in the making for quite sometime. From the content of the letter, to the distribution list, to the logistics of putting it together and sending it out.

We will put them in the mail today. There is a two page letter that is printed front-to-back, a one-page form for submitting donations, and a return envelope. Thanks to my dad for his helpful diligence, we got this done without too much trouble. We pre-filled most forms with the specific recipients personal information and even put their return address on the envelope within which the donation form is to be included. Each letter is customized to each recipient. Tina and I prayed over all the letters with the hopes that people receive the letter and see that we have been led by God to (and through) this journey thus far and that we will continue to follow the Lord and do His work in Haiti.

Increasingly, we have had to pass on a number of opportunities to get together with friends. I regret each and every opportunity that we have had to decline. I hope that everyone understands. Two particular opportunities that I regret declining the most is not being able to meet with our small group and not being able to make it to the last Missions Fellowship that our church holds the last Friday of every month (with thanks to some great people - Julie and Tom!). Time is so short and I pray that I am using it wisely.


Anonymous said...

We missed having you at the missions fellowship... it was a good one! But thanks be to God that He promises to give wisdom to those who ask and that He can taech you all you will ever need to know! We are praying for you in these initial days of transition. Be patient with yourselves! We are thankful that we have had the opportunity to get to know you and look forward to keeping up on all the Lord will be about in your lives! Blessings! Julie for the family

Ken Schlorf said...

Julie - it was one of many tough decisions! I regret not going and I would have regretted going - we were getting near the end of our tanks. If you have any thoughts that specifically apply to us from the mission fellowship, please let us know. Thank you for your prayers and we'll stay in touch! Say Hi to Tom for us! Ken