Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dogs, Peas, Fuzzy, Transmission

While everyone is away upstairs (including Neal for the weekend), we are baby-sitting the dog and we invited her over to play. They had a great play date in our house this evening.

A worker came to our house today to sell us some broccoli and peas. Tina and Lou were getting the peas out of the pods, I was weeding an area in front of the house, and Kayla and Carter were playing with the other kids. Just in case...Tina does not have two black eyes, that is a shadow across her face.

While cleaning out the weeds, I found a large fuzzy caterpillar.

Boring car stuff...

Here is a shot of the transmission and transfer case. I degreased it and will degrease it one more time before putting it in next week.

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