A couple days ago, one of the shipments that we sent out was hijacked and stolen. It wasn't one of our trucks or drivers. It was a load of food and non-food items that was headed up north. Please pray that this type of thing does not happen any more and that those who are in need get what they need.
On Thursday, we sent for a load of sand and I went with to go pick it up since it wouldn't take but a few hours. On the way there, a bunch of guys jumped onto the dump truck while we were moving. They jumped on to help load up the sand. We drove into a sand pit and backed up. The sand was almost over our heads. Apparently, the set off some explosions to get the sand to fall when they want it to instead of it falling on people. It was a little nerve-wracking to be there thinking that it could fall any time.
They started to shovel the sand it by hand. It was neat to watch them do this. The sand would come off their shovels in the shape of the shovel.
We finally caught a lizard to feed to the tarantula, but it was not interested in eating for some reason. So we let them both out of the cage and Christopher stepped on the tarantula - it's something that you definitely notice under your foot.
Yesterday, I had to bring a generator powered welder to one of our churches that was about two blocks away to fix their gate. We used the four-wheeler with trailer to bring it there. As the welders and metal workers were repairing the gate, there were a bunch of kids that I was interacting with. Since the four-wheeler was just sitting there unused, I thought that I would make a little Disneyland right here in Haiti. I pulled four-wheeler around and invited the kids to get in. I drove them up and down the back roads. They were having an absolute blast as you can see!
Dumped On
I got dumped on (really discouraged) yesterday - one thing after the other. Things were not going right, I knew it, and everyone was pointing it all out to me. The most weighty to me was the cage for the new truck. It's very easy to look at something after it is built and say what should have been done differently, but to start from scratch is something different. I know what I would do differently and it would be nice to be able to go back and redo it, but I cannot. My welding ability needs to improve and I don't have much time to practice. Plus, not having the right tools makes the job even harder. If the angles are not right because it is very difficult to cut them, it's harder to weld. I have lots to learn. I pray that what I do is beneficial to the Mission and to the Haitian people.
Leafy Bug
Here is a neat bug that we saw on our window "jail bars" this morning. It was about 4-5 inches long.
Don't be discouraged Ken. You are VERY appreciated at the mission. Mom, Dad, Chris, Kelli, Kyrk and Deborah all really value your work there (they have ALL told me so). That said-welcome to my family! Wild and crazy times with them you will experience. Have you read, "messy spirituality" by Mike Yacanelli? :)
Thank you for your comments Kari! You have encouraged me. I need to keep focusing on the fact that everything that comes my way is sent by God for one reason or another and I should seek Him when I am having troubles seeing the purpose in what I am dealing with. Thank you again, Kari! I have not read that book, but the title has piqued my interest!
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